Saturday, August 11, 2012

Exclusive SliceThePie Review

Make Money Online For Listening To Music!


Slice The Pie is a great site to earn some fast cash online! In my opinion this site is  much more reasonable than MegaTypers; where you have to fill out 1000 Captachs for $1. Slice The Pie is actually quite simple, as you listen to 90seconds of music while writing out a review. A small paragraph of what you think they should change in the song or what you like in the song is all that's required. The pay starts at 5cents for each review but after successfully filling out a few it increases. Currently I am getting paid 14-15cents a review. The maximum you can receive for a review is 20¢. They will pay you via paypal once you've earned more than $10 which is actually quite quick. It took me about 1hour and 20mins to receive my first payment. This website is currently available in Canada, Usa, the United Kingdom, and a few other countries. Their payout method is also limited to only Paypal. I would rate this app 9/10 because payments are always recived on time but they don't always have songs to review queued.

How To Join

1. Click the big signup button.
2. Profit!


Always give constructive honest criticism, don't just say you like it or you or not. Be as descriptive as possible because these are actual artists paying money for your opinion, and if they don't receive good constructive criticism then potentially there may not be any work for us.

Proof Of Payment

Christopher D


  1. So with this site you can earn money and have an influence on whats played on the radio for example? Nice.

  2. Okay I really like the site but there are often no songs for me to review... Hope there will be more in the future!

  3. I don't really understand how you can earn $10 in 1 hour 20m on the site... Even at $.10/90s song, if you do one right after the other it's only $4/hr

  4. Great site I'm eager for your next article

  5. Sounds good, I am going to try it.

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